Let’s Find What’s Missing.


Your life doesn’t JUST have to be the struggle to succeed. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, or a project building veteran, together we’ll create the path to stability, freedom, and peace.

I know you’re a capable person. You’ve felt that fire in your belly, that excitement in your veins, or that itch in the back of your mind. You have the courage to make your impact on the world. You know what your purpose is, and you’d move mountains to do it. But you have other things you care about too, and it’s tough to find that balance. You can get stuck, with no clear way forward, feeling so overwhelmed that you burn out. But despite the struggle, you have the strength and capabilities to see your dreams come true and have the life you’ve always wanted. You have a story to tell, and the world needs to hear it.

The Struggle To Succeed

You Have What It Takes

You’re the kind of person that dreams big. You know the kind of thing the world needs. You know your life’s purpose. But whether you’re just starting out, or you’re moving on to the next big thing, the path forward can be daunting. There is never enough time, and there is always something more to do. You may feel that a single day off would ruin all your hard work. What if I told you it didn’t have to be like that? What if I said that you could find time for everything you care about, that you’re allowed to take breaks, and that the relief you’re looking for WILL come.

You know more than anyone that the work you put in now, pays dividends in the future. The success you desire is a matter of time and effort, and that you make the investments you need to ensure the outcome you desire. But its easy to forget that YOU are the engine that makes up your entire business. Imagine what happens if that engine never receives the attention and care it deserves. All of a sudden you’re breaking down and stopping miles from the finish line. Now imagine if that engine got the maintenance and upgrades it needed. All of a sudden its racing to the finish line and further beyond without issue. What better way is there to respect your dreams than to invest in yourself?

Invest In Yourself

Who Am I?

My name is Eric Bejleri. It is my mission to help entrepreneurs address their concerns over stability, frustrations about their lack of time, and their struggle with burnout. To that end, I have trained under the tutelage of the Master Credential Coaches of Coach Training EDU, and have created my own practice so I can help people like YOU. I strive to continually improve myself for the sole purpose of mastering my craft, and making a lasting difference in this world.

I’ve had my own fair share of heartaches and troubles that have forced me to learn about myself and to grow as an individual. I learned how truly important it was to cultivate courage and have that be a part of everything I do. I also learned that each and every human has a story to tell, and that those stories impacted our world in meaningful ways. I wanted to listen to those stories, and to help them come to fruition. That’s when I realized that being a life coach was the way for me. We need more people like you, and I want to do my part by empowering you to tell your story.

What Can A Life Coach Do For You?

  • Life coaching is a professional relationship between a client and a coach designed to help the client increase self-awareness, generate learning, and identify and accomplish meaningful goals.

    On a pragmatic level, coaching helps clients recognize and identify their capabilities, craft action steps to achieve goals, and design ways to stay accountable and resilient in the face of setbacks.

  • When you work with me, expect a genuine human connection. Expect to talk to someone who is truly interested in everything about you. I’m not here to hype you up with platitudes or meaningless fluff. The kind of motivation I’m offering is lasting and real. Our sessions will be empowering and life changing.

    What I Provide:
    -Sessions between 30-45 minutes depending on the kind of support you want.
    -Sessions done entirely via Video Call (typically through Zoom).
    -Support offered in-between sessions via private email.
    -A safe space that is free of judgment.
    -A coach that abides by the highest guidelines and standards of professional coaching as set forth by the International Coach Federation (IFC), the world’s largest association of professional coaches.

  • No one NEEDS a coach, in the same way you don’t need a personal trainer. Many people coast by just fine and live a reasonably decent life without one. But I think that you can do much better than "reasonably decent". I believe that humans are incredible beings with such immense untapped potential. It can be incredibly difficult to see that potential when you're stuck in an echo chamber. We as a species have achieved such truly spectacular technological and scientific innovations over the course of our history with no sign of stopping. But these advancements came about due to a huge collective of minds and talents all working together towards a common goal helping each other along the way. I wholeheartedly believe that, when we as humans come together, we are far greater than the sum of our parts. If we can do that for growth in professional fields, why can't we also apply that idea to our personal lives? So in summary, you don't need a coach. What matters is if you WANT a trained professional to help you improve your life in a way that you wouldn’t be able to on your own.

  • The best way to see if we can work together and if I can actually help you, is to contact me and for us to directly chat. Professional coaching is an involved process and tailored for each client, where a simple answer wouldn’t be sufficient. Typically however, if you’re not committed to making changes to your life, there isn’t much I can do. The true success of our relationship occurs in your day-to-day life.

  • A coach helps you tap into your latent talent and resources and works with you to develop actions and systems to focus on achieving your future goals and aspirations.
    A therapist helps dig into and heal past emotional and mental traumas and disorders.
    A consultant provides professional advice and tells you what to do.
    A mentor helps you develop skills and knowledge in a certain area or craft.

  • Sessions are fully confidential and anything you say will not be shared with anyone else without your explicit permission. This is something we’ll talk more about and get into specific details during our initial calls.

  • I offer bundles of a set number of sessions to be scheduled out within a certain period of time. I currently am offering a set of 5 coaching sessions to be scheduled within 10 weeks for $499, and a set of 10 coaching sessions to be scheduled within 20 weeks for $899. If you require something more specific and tailored for you, please reach out and talk to me, I try to be flexible when I can. I’m here to make sure that you receive the support and help you desire.

  • Once the coaching agreement is signed, it is not possible to offer refunds for any cancellations or no-shows unless there’s a serious valid reason (e.g., medical emergency). Coaching requires communication, so if there is something in the coaching process you don’t like or need to change, please tell me right away and I’ll make sure to address your needs directly.

  • Yes! Reach out to me any time up to 24 hours before our coaching session if you need to reschedule. If you’re more than 10 minutes late without letting me know (e.g., via message or an email), I’ll assume the session is canceled and you’ll forfeit the session credit. My time is unfortunately limited and last-minute cancellations are challenging and costly. Thank you for your understanding.

  • There are unfortunately a lot of untrained individuals offering services under the guise of “Life Coaching”. These individuals have created a lot of misinformation about what REAL Life Coaching is. Real Life Coaches abide by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) guidelines and standards to ensure that we provide empowering and life changing sessions in an ethical and safe way for our clients. Life Coaching is so personalized and tailored to each individual person, that it is practically impossible to have a one-size-fits-all solution that works for everyone. The best way to find out if life coaching is for you, is to actually have a session and try it out. Luckily I offer a free 20 minute demo session specifically for that reason. Contact me below to find out more.

Contact Me

Write something about yourself and what you'd want out of a coaching relationship (be it goals, questions, information). I’ll get back to you within 2-3 business days to schedule a FREE 30 minute demo call!

Please feel free to reach out about any questions or concerns you may have regarding the process. I am here to provide value and to help improve your life.

“Creating lasting impact together, one person at a time, one conversation at a time, one question at a time.”